Cookies and Soup—New articles and recipes

Are you baking cookies this weekend? My column in this week’s Cordova Times offers up two takes on a classic spritz cookie, plus some musings on shortbread and its origins. I joke that I live in a house with a Cookie Monster. He loves something a little bit sweet and crunchy to eat with coffee,…


This guy loves the elderberries. So much that he’s basically destroyed one bush already. And while bears have been spotted all over town this summer eating garbage and getting themselves into trouble, this guy is just doing what a bear should do. But I have to discourage him in hope that he’ll stay out of…

A Good Day

Today was a good day. One of those days I feel like maybe I’m not totally failing at single parenting. I bribed J. with the prospect of a milkshake to go for a bike ride with me. It’s not sunny, but it’s not raining either–the kind of day in Alaska where you just have to…